Of course everyone knows what a brothel or a brothel is. In short, a brothel or a brothel is an institution in which prostitutes perform their services. In Germany there are certainly several thousand brothels that visit several thousand suitors every day.
In many places, a brothel is referred to as a brothel or a brothel. Several suitors reported from their first visit to a brothel that they felt nauseous and were extremely excited. This may be due to the fact that sex in the brothel becomes a commodity for sale and that brothels can sometimes seem a bit mystical.
This could also be the reason why visiting a brothel or brothel is sometimes considered strange. But brothels also meet the need for sexual activity and the prostitutes in the brothel ensure that these needs are met. Therefore a brothel is a simple ecosystem in which clients and prostitutes exchange services. Brothels are no longer taboo and you definitely won't go to a brothel to see a prostitute.
Brothels are as old as humanity - and the brothel is anchored in our consciousness as an example of love that can be bought. Usually many prostitutes or models work in brothels. In a classic brothel, after entering, you will enter a kind of waiting room where prostitutes and models introduce themselves to you. You are now choosing a prostitute for the personally agreed time and your hot date begins ...
By the way, brothels are divided into different classes. There's the classic brothel, and then there are the sauna clubs where the prostitutes present themselves in a relaxed atmosphere. In nudist clubs, prostitutes and models are usually topless and the overall atmosphere is more healthy. Of course there are also brothels. These are the brothels where prostitutes stand at the doors of their rooms in long corridors and you, so to speak, "walk" in front of them. In the broadest sense, SM and Dominatrix studios as well as erotic massage salons are also brothels, even if sex isn't always offered.
In order to make the search for a brothel or brothel in your area as interesting as possible, money lover has many interesting and discreet brothels in your city or region. Here are our current features.